Music lessons for Kids



I hope you like stories. 

This is the story of my life so far. A life dedicated to music by accident, dedicated to teaching music by choice.

For me, it is not just a profession. It’s a way of living.

Even before I took my first steps, I was surrounded by musical instruments, popular songs, rehearsals in my parents’ house, guitars and microphones, stage costumes, piano and clarinet sounds, and dance.

So, naturally, at the age of six, I started studying music, participating in classes for preschoolers at the “Ion Vidu” Music High School in Timișoara.

At the age of eight, I joined in the first major stage performance – all tickets sold- alongside my mother, who taught me the secrets of the stage.

In 1988, I began my course in the primary classes at the Art High School (that’s what it was called then) “Ion Vidu” in Timișoara. This period reached its finish line after 12 years. 

I dedicated the first five classes to the piano and the next seven to an instrument closer to my temperament, percussion.


In the first years of studying percussion instruments, I went on stage, supporting my colleagues in concerts, recitals, festivals, national competitions, and performances with the chamber music group led by teacher Alina Cuibariu-Jumuga, who, together with Carmen Roman. 

They have guided my steps during these seven years as instrument teachers.

The collaboration started in 2006 with the group “Banater Rosmerein” brings me to the world of music and dance of ethnic Germans from Banat (an ethnic group that is also part of my family roots), with performances in France, Hungary and in the country, participating in folklore festivals. This experience enriched my musical background and constituted the first step in studying drums.

At the age of 17, I signed my first employment contract with the orchestra of the “Csiky Gergely” Theater in Timișoara, participating as a classical percussionist in performances both in the country and abroad, with “Lorenzaccio” by Alfred de Musset. It was a collaboration from which I learned a lot, meeting prominent national art and culture personalities, such as director Victor Ioan Frunză or professor Mihaela Silvia Roșca.


In 1999 I obtained my baccalaureate diploma and the certificate in music study. In the same year, I enrolled at the Gh. Dima” from the city of Cluj Napoca for deepening the study of percussion instruments and their pedagogy – a beautiful journey under the auspices of the great personality of the modern percussion school in Romania, professor Grigore Pop and university professor Nicolae Coman.

During my university studies, I also connected with the world of record companies through a three-year collaboration with AMMA Record as a lyricist.

In 2003, after obtaining my graduation diploma from the Conservatory of Music, I had the privilege of becoming a full professor of percussion at the “George Apostu” Art School in Bacău with a very early ten-year.

 I started collaborating with the “Mihail Jora” Philharmonic Orchestra from the same city.- in the same year, 2003.

In 2004 I graduated from the Master’s courses of the University “Gh. Dima”, again with professor Grigore Pop, to deepen my understanding of German composer Siegfried Fink’s (1928 – 2006)  life and career and his approach to the snare drum technique.

As a teacher, during that time, I participated with my students in concerts and recitals, national and international competitions, exchanges of experience, obtaining important results, and accumulating experience in the field.

In 2004-2010, I had the pleasure of organizing a competition within the school. As part of local contests and exams juries, I realized and promoted projects to exchange school experiences.

It was also around this time that I formed my first percussion and Body Percussion group for children – the “Red Hands” group.

After a tour in China and Italy with the Philharmonic “M. Jora,” under the baton of Ovidiu Bălan, at the end of the 2009-2010 school year, I decided to start my career in Italy from scratch.

 I was curious to know if I could become a better musician, even starting from the bottom, but I didn’t see any future where I was.

I could give more, achieve more, and I hoped this country could give me a chance.

And so it was.

My whole journey led me to a side of music, specifically music education, that I would not have thought of: musical propaedeutics and teaching music to preschool children.


The first years in Italy

A younger Bianca would say that I lost 6 years before I started teaching music formally again. Still, in those years, I discovered who I wanted to be and what I wanted to do. I wasted no time because I learned a new language, adapted to a different mentality in some ways, took five courses in music therapy, collaborated with many groups as a percussionist and drummer, and discovered the greatest secret that my life up to that point would give me:

I love teaching music to preschool-age kids.


Shortly after I arrived in the new country, I was encouraged to find a typical immigrant job.

I lived with the preconception that I couldn’t stand small children or be around them, so I was not a little surprised when, during an interview for the house help position, a baby was placed on my left knee in turn 3 months old – a boy and on the right knee another three months old baby – girl.

I didn’t even know how to hold them in my arms, and I was afraid that I wouldn’t run away from them on the first date, and as the Romanian says, “să mă fac de mirul lumii” – an expression that in English would be to make a fool of myself, in the eyes of the world.

I learned quickly to take care of them, but even faster, I discovered I knew how to sing to them.

You can imagine that in the years that followed, I sang to them, taught them how to play the piano, sang together, and invented musical stories. This is how I unconsciously laid the foundations of my Musical Propedeutics course.

  Thanks to these two children, I also created the characters of the musical notes, and they were also the inspiration for everything I do now.

So I have to thank destiny, which opened my eyes in the most beautiful way possible to what – I now believe with all my heart- is my purpose in this existence.


In 2016, after a radical change in mentality and family life, my partner convinced and sustained me to look for and find contracts in my job expertise. He believed in me as an artist, an instrumentalist, and an educator, so I had no choice but to start believing in myself.

Surprisingly, a week of job searching was all it took. In a short time, I started collaborations with various music schools in Milan and Cislago – Italy, and Lugano, Monteceneri – Switzerland.

All this time, the Bianco Method took shape increasingly in my mind. It would have been the summation of all the talents or, rather, the passions with which I came endowed:

Teaching Music, Composition, Drawing, Acting, Literature, Entertainment

To be able to give life to this method, I need to develop my skills as a draftsman and illustrator, so in 2020 I dedicated the whole year to learning painting and drawing, composition and writing to be able to bring to light all the stories, lessons and ideas born from experience in the last 10 years.

I launched a 366-day challenge where I painted, drew, composed music, and wrote every day of the year, participating with physical paintings in over 100 video mini-courses on Skillshare and posting 331 videos that stand as a testament to all the hard work.

The Bianco Method goes through different names and techniques until 2022, the year in which, finally crystallized, it is offered to you on this site.

I continue to work every day to develop my skills and to be able to provide children with high-quality, fun, and intuitive lessons.

I will need support to make everything I set out to do into reality. Still, the first step has been taken with this site. 

I hope many of you will appreciate my hard work and be happy to give a helping hand to a new generation of children who deserve all this investment.



Wonderful! Congratulations 👏👏👏. Indeed, parents ask their children: "did you have fun?" when working with preschoolers, we must do all the activities through play, but we must choose games through which the little ones retain some information and form some musical skills. The biggest challenge for a teacher in working with little ones is to capture and maintain their attention.




Well done, Bianca. That is very nicely said and explained. Very practical!

Linda Boca



Excellent initiative for kids who will be happy to learn music through the Bianco Method! You have summed up all you are and all you knew in this new and lovely method, which is sure to be appreciated and sought after! I support you with all my heart!

Todor-Sâpcu Loredana




This site aims to do the impossible. To create a system where children take the first steps in learning music only through fun activities, falling in love at every step.

I magically transformed elements of music theory into characters, stories, games, songs, experiments, and exercises. This was my plan for turning the impossible into the possible. From my experience with children’s music classes, it works!


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