From bud to flower
The coloring sheet from Flowerbud’s story represents a bud that becomes a flower. Find the story here (link to the storybook) Flowerbud’s song (link to the song). Fin
A flower bud that grows day and night
The coloring sheet from the Flowerbud’s story represents a bud that grows day and night, represented by the moon and the sun. Find the story here (link to the storybook) Fl
Find the musical note song / with interruptions
A song to use with the “Find the Note” game. It features interruptions or pauses where the players have to stay still. It can also be used in the game of chairs.
Flowerbud`s song
Educational song for active adaptation. Learning music through song and play in the Bianco Method/ Download it for free, listen, and sing along with the little ones!
The Mouse and the Cat SONG – piece for oboe, piano, and percussion
It is a motor memory song/game for preschool children and children between 4 and 7 years old. A drum or small percussion instruments can be used alongside. We learn music through s
The Scarf Game Song “Do re mi fa la sol” ( C, D, E, F, A, G )
It is a motor memory song/game for preschool children and children between 4 and 7 years old. It can be used with the colored parachute or colored scarves. We learn music through s
The Wind song/Children’s song / Parachute game
It is a motor memory song/game for preschool children and children between 4 and 7 years old. It can be used with the colored parachute or colored scarves. We learn music through s
Ne prezentăm cântând / Joc muzical de adaptare activă Aceasta este o lecție de muzică ce are ca scop adaptarea activă a celor mici prin muzică, desen, poveste și di
MUSICAL NOTES lengths / Problem-solving
A worksheet for coloring and drawing was taught to learn musical notes’ signs and lengths in the Romanian language. So cut and paste, and have fun! We learn music by thinking