Miss B’s SONG – with a singing voice
Miss B's SONG describes her color, place on the staff, and personality. Her song is so much fun! She's pink, cheerful, and friendly, and she's optimistic with a positive attitude.
C-The cowboy song
Mr. C's song describes his color, place on the staff, and personality. C -The cowboy is red, playful, and, although a little naughty, loved by all.
D-the King song
D-the King- song describes his color, place on the staff, and personality. D is the Great Orange King, bighearted, posh, elegant, and proud.
Miss E’s SONG – with a singing voice
Miss E's SONG- song describes her color, place on the staff, and personality. Miss E -the yellow and bubbly one, hugs and gives affection while being sweet and tender with everyon
F- the Fabuous song
F-the Fabuous- song describes his color, place on the staff, and personality. F-the Fabuous is green, fabulous- as his name suggests, he has cool sunglasses, and his song is a roc
G-my solitary friend / The G note song
The G note song with voice describes his color, place on the staff, and personality. G is the only musical note that has a slow rhythm song. G-as his name suggests- is our solitary
The Seven Musical Notes song (C, D, E, F, G, A, B) – with a singing voice
This song presents the musical notes as seven friends, touching on the differences between the musical note temperaments, and has a modern theme that is fun to sing and dance to.
The G-Clef SONG – with a singing voice
The G-Clef SONG - with a singing voice (as an alternative to the downloadable mp3 that comes with the music accompaniment and no voice, a variant that one can use in class and si
Find the musical note song / with interruptions
A song to use with the “Find the Note” game. It features interruptions or pauses where the players have to stay still. It can also be used in the game of chairs.
Flowerbud`s song
Educational song for active adaptation. Learning music through song and play in the Bianco Method/ Download it for free, listen, and sing along with the little ones!